The Arthur Findlay College is a College for the advancement of Psychic Science and offers facilities unequalled anywhere in the world in the Spiritualist movement as a residential centre where students can study Spiritualist philosophy, spiritual and psychic unfolding and religious practice.

The Abington Barn  provides a venue in the Cambridgeshire area for the training and development of life-enhancing skills and is used for activities that complement and work in harmony with spirit, light energy, and healing

Spirited Talk is a podcast series about the work of connecting and communicating with the world of Spirit. Hosted by evidential medium, Trevor, from his home Sanctuary in Shevington, Greater Manchester.

Animal  communication  for  and  with  fur  noses

Alexandra Hilfrich-Becker, friends and family just call me Sandra.

I have set my professional focus as an animal communicator since 2012 in order to be able to reconnect people and animals. A particular concern of mine is contact with deceased animals.

Ich habe meinen beruflichen Schwerpunkt als Tierkommunikatorin seit 2012 gesetzt, um Menschen und Tiere wieder miteinander verbinden zu können ein besonderes Anliegen von mir ist der Kontakt zu verstorbenen Tieren.

I am glad that you have found me and would like to introduce me and my vocation as a spiritual medium to you.

Ein spirituelles Medium zu sein, bedeutet für mich eine große Verantwortung sowohl dem Klienten als auch der geistigen Welt gegenüber. 
(Ich arbeite nach dem britischen Standard.)

"For me, being a spiritual medium means a great responsibility towards both the client and the spiritual world." (I work according to the British standard.)


mediale Ausbildungen – mediale Zirkel – englische Heilerausbildung

Das Phönixx – Forum bildet eine Plattform zwischen Diesseits und Jenseits.
Es ist ein Ort der Begegnung – eine Brücke zur Geistigen Welt.


Medial Training - Medial Circles - English healer training

The Phönixx forum forms a platform between this world and the hereafter.
It is a meeting place - a bridge to the spirit world.